Yesterday, I mentioned that David Block of the Florida Solar Energy Center was soon to publish something on offshore oil. Well, today he sent me his paper, entitled, "Can the U.S. Drill Its Way Out of the Energy Problem?" However, as he has not yet officially released it to the general public, I thought I'd merely mention a few points and ask you to contact him if you are interested in the details ( Dr. Block the question from the title above: no.-2. He provides some very useful information on oil supply, demand and reserves, and carefully explains why future oil demand will not be met.-His key statement is: "Developing alternative energy sources has to be a priority and sound engineering principles must be applied to future energy resources." I might add that the important point has to be with respect to national priorities. In Peak Oil and Global Warming--call it PO/GW--the opportunity has not been provided to engineers to apply their skills. The problem, thus, is not a technical one, but political. Further, the fault is not particularly that of President George Bush or the U.S. Congress or oil company executives. What is lacking is public will. How then to influence the masses is the key to overcoming PO/GW.-The electronic media, represented by blogs and papers like THE HUFFINGTON POST, might well be the solution, for they feature instant feedback and exponential propagation of ideas. Protest marches are so last generation. HuffPo is close to publishing Part 4 of my series on a solution to PO/GW. After that will come Part 5, which provides my current views on the ultimate simple solution.-Oil today rose to just above 145.18, a dime short of the all-time record high.-Bertha in the Atlantic continues to slightly weaken, and will soon head northeast, away from land. However, ELIDA IS NOW OFFICIALLY A HURRICANE, with sustained winds at 85 MPH, and is moving West towards Hawaii. It is, though, expected to weaken over the next few days.-Finally, I would like to introduce the HAWAII SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL (, where LISA GIBSON serves as President. ( I previously served on the board of two of their members (Cardax and Hawaii Biotech), plus, of course, still have a Manoa office at a third, the University of Hawaii. -HiSciTech tomorrow (Tuesday, July 15) sponsors a presentation by Dana Christensen, Associate Laboratory Director of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, on "The Energy Challenge and Opportunity." I will set up a table at the event, to be held at the Plaza Club in downtown Honolulu, at 3 PM, to sign my two books: "SIMPLE SOLUTIONS FOR PLANET EARTH" ( and "SIMPLE SOLUTIONS FOR HUMANITY" ( Call LISA at 536 4670. Perhaps your organization might want to become a member of HiSciTech.-
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