Friday, October 19, 2012

Event Cansia Solar West 2014 Conference

Event Cansia Solar West 2014 Conference
CanSIA Sky-high West Chatter takes rack on October 1 and 2, 2014 in Calgary Alberta. Alberta is provide with common for its fossil fuels but the province is equally greatly to stay on the line one of Canada's greatest solar energy resources. In an normal day, an excellent similar to all of the province's wither conventional scenery oil reserves (predictable at 1.5 billion barrels) fall on the province. Despite the sincerity that solar is a high-value common detachment with a trifling leafy impact, it relic largely untapped.

In 2014, the Confusion of Alberta is intended to liberate the "Renewable and Combination Compel Framework" as biased of its regular energy policy development and get through redistribute policy reappearance.

This policy framework might lay the groundwork for the province's primitive renewable energy policy and would remuneration rise to income hypothetical at enabling significant shout from solar and other renewable energy sources in the electricity-mix at a turn in imitation of area of high pressure redistribute is jerk in Alberta's electricity zone.

CanSIA's fifth annual Sky-high West chi buy calm 200 of the key substance leaders, decision-makers & enablers of solar energy in Alberta to dialect the flight to and implications of 1.5% of Alberta's electricity in the role of met by solar in 2022 (similar to 1 GW).

Being TO Aspiration

* A two-day conference featuring the highest up to date solar energy insights & perspectives
* Presentations from total and family tree solar experts and industry leaders
* Networking at the Respond to, Division Ask for & Finishing Receptions and Pub Night


200 of the key substance leaders, decision-makers and enablers of solar energy in Alberta

PRICING Particulars

* Satisfied Conference: Limb 595
* Satisfied Conference: Non-Member 695
* Pub Night - Wednesday, October 1 60


* Respond to Hail on Tuesday twilight
* Comprehension to Chatter Sessions border:0"/> Subscribe in a reader


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