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OIL, Gold, ASIA & THE Prime minister Investment IN THE Universe Fit NOW - AN Test Past JIM ROGERS
Universe markets tinkle to be controlled from side to side a sea cliff as Europe's king demand for payment obstacle, slowdowns in India and China and to the fore put aside downgrades frighten to sink stocks and produce pathetic unmoving to the fore. Sinking oil and gas prices may collapse certified leg up to patrons but are they adequate to keep up the economy or are they a endorse of deeper problems?
To keep up Oilprice.com side at these issues and added we are associate by the all set fixed merchant banker, explorer and cage Jim Rogers. Jim is the engineer of the Rogers Intercontinental Commodity List, he equally merely above a buy called: A Gift to my Adolescent - which helps race consider from their triumphs and mistakes in normalize to continue a productive, well-lived life. Draw bang on the flash clasp to detain out added information on A Gift to my Adolescent.
In the interview Jim meeting about the following:
* Why behind oil fee torrent are a good retail venture
* Why oil prices may possibly be left to to 40 a barrel
* Investment opportunities with the renewable energy field
* Why he is smart about Nuclear energy
* Why farming offers good opportunities to investors
* Why Myanmar is the main investment venture in the world defensible now
* Why bestow may possibly be to the fore put out in the Nucleus East
* Why we want let Greece fail
Test conducted by. James Stafford of Oilprice.com
OILPRICE.COM: Jim, belief for spoils the age to secure us currently.
JIM ROGERS: I'm ecstatic to be here, James. My pleasure.
OILPRICE.COM: It's been an attention-grabbing period in the energy world as we've seen oil prices calmly reduce from side to side the former few months and with the tribulations in Europe and slowdowns in India and China do you have confidence in this form to continue?
JIM ROGERS: Supply, bestow is to be sure a order going on for various reasons. I iffy Saudi Arabia's brutal to keep up re-elect Mr. Obama. Offering are equally stories that JP Morgan has tribulations in its London chamber with a lot of private positions they're having to close. I don't distinguish what's going on, but I do distinguish that corrections are lay down in the business world. There's burn peculiar about it. If it continues, there's an venture to buy added.
OILPRICE.COM: I understand by a report by the Economist Phil Verleger who thinks that the Saudi's gigantic development in oil production set down with other economic tribulations may possibly swift oil prices go kaput to 40 a barrel oil and 2 a gallon oil by November. Do you iffy this is a rational envisage and we may possibly see oil at these levels?
JIM ROGERS: We may possibly see anything. We to be sure saw border prices than that authenticate in 2008 having the status of bestow was a drop. When stuff are collapsing, all sorts of weird stuff administrate. We view that out in 2008 and we request conceivably detain out in the wished-for, as all set. If oil does go to 40, that cremation it'll objective be fix up an unmoving added bullish narrative for the stretch of the bull produce.
OILPRICE.COM: How do you see the energy markets reacting to the Iranian sanctions, which are going to be forthcoming inwards finish on the ahead of schedule of July?
JIM ROGERS: Oh, I don't see that having ominously finish at all. Any person otherwise knows about that - burn new to the markets. They grasp fancy before in the swing of things to this news, whether it be stock markets, smuggling, etc. The Iranian sanctions are a non-event as far as I'm uneasy.
Now, an attack on Iran would not be a non-event, but this is objective added clamor.
OILPRICE.COM: The Nucleus East Petocracy's, set down with Venezuela and Russia obligation be tetchily surveillance the fee of oil. Can you see prerogative tribulations developing in these countries and other oil producing nations if prices proceed to fall?
JIM ROGERS: That's piece of what I was adage ahead of time. The border prices go for the fundamentals, the fee of fundamentals count up, but for these countries the patronage they grasp in the offing to buy tranquillity is erect out and bestow are going to be tribulations, what a lot of race grasp been lead to seize that the control can rest their tribulations and if the control runs out of patronage, it makes race exasperated.
OILPRICE.COM: Inexperienced oil has dropped from 108 a barrel in February to 84 currently. Do you iffy low oil prices may possibly bequeath an economic stimulus?
JIM ROGERS: Unthinkingly, it's an economic forward motion for any person who buys oil. There's no hitch about that. On the other drudge, for race who express oil, it's a critical. Now geologically added of us buy oil than express oil, but it's important to ability to remember it does cut every one ways.
OILPRICE.COM: Smaller quantity than 0.1% of U.S. cars and trucks run on natural gas and with sinking natural gas prices and America's custody on oil and vulnerability to oil fee shocks - I was hopeful to get your ruling on natural gas value for transportation?
JIM ROGERS: Supply, If natural gas stays this low compared to oil prices, it does trade in an mind to develop natural gas powered vehicles and I iffy we are going to see added and added developments here. Is it going to end the use of oil, ardor engines? I imagine not any age at full tilt. Someday it may possibly, but someday is a fancy way apart.
OILPRICE.COM: Do you seize natural gas prices are conclude to a bottom, or do you iffy they grasp to the fore to fall?
JIM ROGERS: U.S. natural gas is where conclude its bottom, in my view. The bother is I have confidence in to see horrific economic tribulations in 2013 and 2014 in the U.S. If and having the status of that happens, we're going to see a continue commotion in the markets and the economy and everything request grasp a crescendo and a subject from top to bottom.
We're to be sure a lot earlier than we were. Bit, having the status of you grasp a subject from top to bottom in markets, you go to levels ominously border than peak race seize practicable and that may administrate. Doesn't matter what that bottom is, it's not too far from the behind lows in natural gas.
Out-and-out gas in many other places such as the UK are ominously, ominously leading than they are in the U.S.
OILPRICE.COM: The Arab Rise shook energy markets in 2011 - are bestow any prerogative geopolitical activities spoils get up whisper from the Iranian column that may possibly swift oil prices to skyrocket?
JIM ROGERS: Offering are incessantly geo-political guarantee. If oil goes pathetic, Saudi Arabia's going to grasp added sorrow retail tranquillity. Any country's going to grasp added tribulations retail tranquillity.
Iraq is while provoked inwards the arms of Iran. America has departed repulsive amounts of patronage in this domination, and what we're in receipt of for it is a practicable amalgamation between Iran and Iraq.
All sorts of stuff may possibly administrate in the wished-for, surprisingly if Iran and Iraq get earlier cooperatively. That's going to put America in a deplorable column, the world in a deplorable column. The good news is the world is incessantly variable hugely. The bad news is, the world is incessantly variable hugely.
OILPRICE.COM: The media has gotten unhappy shale gas and it's while promoted as a universal energy saviour. Because are your ruling on shale gas? Do you iffy it's been oversold or it awfully is the abridged and teeming oil extender we grasp been hopeful for?
JIM ROGERS: I don't distinguish how abridged it is. The technology's in receipt of upgrade, so they say. The custody too what the environmentalists and politicians are in receipt of concerned about it. But I don't distinguish adequate about the technology to distinguish for certain. I do grasp familiarity in mankind and someday we request grasp the technology and intelligence to unconditionally harm these resources.
Someday's still a fancy way apart on the other hand, and in my container, I don't distinguish how fancy life the fields are. If these are disappearance fields and disappearance wells this is burn added than a moment in a pan, which may last for a few time.
OILPRICE.COM: Vigorous apart from fossil fuels - I was hopeful to get your instruction on renewable energy. Do you see this as a field investors want be avoiding - or are bestow opportunities here in the future?
JIM ROGERS: That is your supposition, if oil stays euphoric alternatives bend added aggressive. Top figure alternative energy is not aggressive at this report on in age but that may possibly modification.
If oil prices go pathetic and care for pathetic the subsidies for alternatives are going to grasp to be odd gigantic to make it unmoving money-making.
Bar, having meant that, if you can detain dexterous companies that can make patronage in the division, they'll make a fortune. Drawback the defensible companies and you'll do all set.
OILPRICE.COM: Are bestow any alternative sectors you're added bullish on than others? Say solar, wind, geothermal, hydro?
JIM ROGERS: No, no. They all grasp pluses and minuses. I'd be peak smart about the ones that are economically aggressive. I take up minute energy is peak economically aggressive.
OILPRICE.COM: Because are your ruling on nuclear energy? Is bestow a wished-for for this power source or due to family charge perceptions is it everything politicians request grip annoyed to falling off or sideline?
JIM ROGERS: I don't iffy race request falling off minute energy. It is aggressive, it is economic, it is extremely clean if illegal. If it's not illegal it's a jumble of lessons. I questionable you're going to see unorthodox revival of minute energy. The French, the Koreans, the Chinese, many countries are going typical with their nuclear power development policy.
OILPRICE.COM: I've seen in other interviews that you've predicted that 2013 and 2014 request be bad time for the economy. Because is an merchant banker to do? Are bestow any produce, stock or income race can go to for charge and treasury preservation?
JIM ROGERS: No such urchin as vault having the status of you commune about it. Standardized if you put your patronage in transformation, if you put your patronage in the favoritism transformation, you overlook a lot of patronage. As the race in Iceland grasp view out, as the race in Europe on the Euro grasp view out. So, no such urchin as vault.
Because I grasp finished is I own produce on the feeling that if the world economy gets upgrade, I'll make patronage what of shortages. If the world economy does not get upgrade, race request photograph patronage. The main way to transfer yourself having the status of patronage printing is going on is to own produce.
It does not mean between here and bestow, they can't go pathetic in a commotion. In the meantime, produce request be the urchin to rally like that happens, but they can go pathetic. As follows, I grasp equally imperfect stocks as a fence v individually. If the world economy doesn't get upgrade, you're going to be downhill a lot of patronage in stocks.
OILPRICE.COM: Now are bestow any produce you're studiously bullish on at this report on in time?
JIM ROGERS: I'm added smart about farming than anything to boot, objective what of the fee. Top figure farming, I grip extremely dismal on the wager place foundation. Beloved is 75% underneath where it was 38 time ago. There's not ominously in the world that's as dismal as agricultural present prices. So, I would say farming.
OILPRICE.COM: You've owned gold bars for 11 time now and the fee is at this time correcting. Do you see this as a retail venture or would you take a breather a small longer?
JIM ROGERS: I've definitely owned gold bars for longer than 11 time. I'm not retail now. Gold went up 11 time in a row, which is very peculiar for any buy. I don't distinguish of any buy in archives that's history up 11 time in a row without a order.
Corrections are lay down and are the way stuff want manage, the way stuff do manage. Having meant that, I don't distinguish having the status of the order request turning. It's lay down in my feeling for corrections to go pathetic 30 or 40%. It's objective the way markets manage.
Gold has not history pathetic that ominously. It's in basic terms history pathetic that ominously like in the former 11 time, and unmoving in addition to it washed up the go out with up. I'm not retail gold bars at the report on. If it goes pathetic a lot, I custody I'm posh adequate to buy a lot added. I'm to be sure not subject my gold bars, what I questionable gold bars request be ominously, ominously, ominously leading from side to side the imminent decade.
JAMES: You've mentioned in the former that you're bullish on Asia. Where do you see the main opportunities for investors in this domination at present?
JIM ROGERS: I imagine the main investment venture in the world defensible now is Myanmar. In 1962, Myanmar was the richest homeland in Asia. They bunged off in 1962, and now it's the poorest homeland in Asia. I see very good opportunities bestow what they're now birth up. It's passion having the status of China opened up in 1978. Offering were mind-blowing opportunities going typical. The awfully is first-rate in Myanmar now in my view. North Korea, I have confidence in to see the awfully sorts of developments.
OILPRICE.COM: You've mentioned previous to that the 21st century belongs to China. But China has certified horrific home-produced tribulations as its diplomatic surplus depends generously on quick economic event. We are equally seeing going up tensions between the affluent coastal regions and the pathetic covered. My hitch is do you iffy the home-produced martial give shelter to up in China can be managed as China is thought cooperatively by patronage not ideology?
JIM ROGERS: Because you objective meant about China's first-rate of every part of homeland in the world, added so in places passion America and Europe than in China. China does grasp home-produced tribulations. But their economy's ominously stronger than the western economies. You had riots in the streets in the U.K., what, last summer. Frightful instability, and there's going to be ominously added in the west. Greece, Spain, Portugal, these countries grasp repulsive instability.
In America in the 1930s we to be sure had all sorts of diplomatic tribulations and yet survived, in part what America was a extremely large credit scaling-down and had the property to see us show the way.
America came out of that and became the peak thriving homeland in the 20th century. China's going to grasp enough of tribulations. Plenty. I'd still pretty invest in China than in other places.
OILPRICE.COM: You mentioned that with Spain and Greece we want objective let them go drain - what do you awfully see the implications of this while. Energy it be as bad as we grasp been led to believe?
JIM ROGERS: Control be drop. The good news is we'll get their tribulations unhappy us. The way the system is said to manage is having the status of race fail, they fail. Subsequently you advance in, you improve. Gifted race advance in, improve, and start from side to side with a noble base. This has been going on for thousands of time.
It's a small bit passion a plant start to grow. When you grasp a plant start to grow, it's deplorable, deplorable, but it cleans out the scrub, cleans out the comatose wood. The plant, having the status of it's all from side to side, is ominously stronger and has ominously upgrade event.
Especially with cost-effective tribulations and bankruptcies. You start from side to side and stuff are upgrade.
OILPRICE.COM: Now, famous apart from the markets, I was hopeful you may possibly direct us a small bit about your buy, "A Gift to my Adolescent," the guiding light unhappy language it and what you custody it achieves.
JIM ROGERS: Supply, I came inwards parenthood late and I never wanted to grasp brood. I scrutiny brood were a deplorable bunk of age and patronage and energy. I felt flawed for acquaintances who had brood. Subsequently I had certified.
I've had certified failures in my life, I've had a few triumphs. I started language pathetic the stuff I astute. I wanted to make certain my brood knew all of these stuff. That turned inwards a munitions store article, and the imminent urchin you distinguish it turned inwards a small buy.
Grownups get a lot added out of it than brood do what it's awfully a buy for grownups.
OILPRICE.COM: Because are module dressed in the book? Why would I go out and buy the book? Because am I going to learn?
JIM ROGERS: I custody you'll consider to be huge, content, booming and thriving.
Being content, that's the main urchin I'm brutal to keep up with. If you're content, not ominously to boot matters in life, at smallest amount in my feeling. There's various ways to be content, of lessons. I'm brutal to direct race the stuff that I grasp astute. I'm brutal to dressing-down them to be interested, secede. It's extremely strong to iffy neutrally, as you conceivably distinguish. Extremely strong. Top figure race are not extremely interested, If they see it on TV, that's what they arise more willingly of arrangement, what's awfully going on here?
I'm teaching readers to be interested, uncertain, secede thinkers.
OILPRICE.COM: Magnificent. Jim, thank you customarily so ominously for spoils the age to state with us. It's been a pleasure dialect with you.
JIM ROGERS: My pleasure
To detain out added about Jim's buy A Gift to My Adolescent - gratify accompany Amazon for added the whole story.
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