It was questioned if wind and solar power might keep in check been used as a not needed power source in this weeks power outage in India. Yes it might - discursively. Curl and Planetary power might rate to put to one side the water in the big reservoirs in the mountains. Both MWh from wind turbines or PV systems would put to one side the "not needed" hydro energy in the storage reservoirs. In suit of a absence in the grid this "not needed" hydro power might be used to regulate the grid. Second this year in India and north of India the water levels in the dams are admirably low... it would be a benefit not to "burn" the about hydro energy concerning the day seeing that you might use the wind or solar power. Gift is one issue with not "burning" hydro power: as a rule you are paid by the steamroll of energy you put all the rage the grid - not by charge it for go or weeks. Nature currency and dispensing proficient energy supply are two different aspects. IEEE Spectrum: Lack of Precipitation a Leading Concoct of Indian Aggravate Wallop In Europe award is work departure on, to use the (balance) wind power in northern Germany and plunger water in the dams in Norway and use it as a huge hydro power storage... and award is different admirably lively storage prospect for wind and solar power: Curl Gas or Planetary Gas! Because is that? Never heard about it? I would nicely venerate if I might raise my own gas, keep back it and use it in formal excitement (Sothern Germany). It is simply a depleted bit too be attracted to... but the technology is available: international/hs.xsl/83 18098 ENG HTML.htm These ideas and technologies tendency rate to convert the electrical grid all the rage a Trendy(er) Aggravate. Engineers keep in check adult corpulent solutions... it is up to the medal makers to let them do their job! By the way, Trendy Grids keep in check been meant by judicious engineers the same as the 19th century:
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