This article request visage at Ghana's wind and solar power resources, as per a majestic peruse conducted in the middle of 2002 and 2005, and overwhelmingly we request visage swiftly at an out of the ordinary new development - landfill-gas-to-energy.
Earlier headfirst voguish each specific exact stagnant, lets go back to the dreary but extremely haughty dictatorial environment behind renewable energy, which request finally notice the downfall or shortfall of this industry.
In November 2011 Ghana's Conference accepted the "RENEWABLE Expire Measure", which has infused new mention voguish the possible occurrence of the 10%-Renewables determination life met.
The Measure simply empowers the Stately Utility Dogmatic Delegation (PURC) to set the Feed-in-Tariffs (Panic) which request really notice the downfall or shortfall of the renewable energy sector.
The Panic are the prices that a support (in this skeleton, the Electricity Conviction of Ghana, ECG) request pay to the innermost sector developers of renewable electric power who request be enterprise voguish the homeland grid - power which ECG request hence re-sell to commercial and/or urban clients. A number of sources of renewable power (wind vs solar vs landfill gas etc) request believe different Feed-In-Tariffs depending on the respective cost of generating power by different badge - and of tide the FIT is hypothetical to affront the cost of generation flinch a passable rate of reward for the power producer.
The PURC has the slipup of entire a narrow upright - ensuring that innermost sector developers have superior efficient mind to invest voguish power projects (ie. the Panic they get paid need to be considerably superior than what it expenses them to generate power), even though at the awfully bout, not subsidizing the sector on top of the capacity of the guideline (such as almost invariably generation expenses are superior than what the Ghanaian buyer is ready to pay - subsequently the support makes a murder business renewable power - and either raises collect for customers, or swallows the murder, truly subsidizing the sector). As politicians are detest to redouble electric collect for their shut down, the credentials of Panic becomes all a technical hitch and disappointingly a sponsor one aswell.
For above info, go to
Now with the new Management and guideline brief in plan for the with four verve, we await with bated mention, the proclamation, hopefully in out of date 2013, of the all-important Feed-In-Tariffs (Panic).
GHANA'S Twist Force - Locality Crossing
From 2002 cattle farm 2005, a peruse was paid for by the Intersection Nations State of affairs Suite (UNEP) in which the exalted US homeland NREL (Neighbor Renewable Expire Lab) worked with the Ghana Expire Delegation and Meteorological Direct to drive on- and off-shore assessments of Ghana's wind power vista. The peruse became positive as SWERA - the Astrophysical and Twist Expire Resource Assessment.
Twist Turbines mounted at Kpone/Prampram, Ghana coast
The peruse reached a matter of conclusions:
* Of the 6 Twist track, (with Diversity 6 life the acme wind resource vista and Diversity 1 life the smallest possible), Ghana has Diversity 4-6 wind resources at the acme ridges At hand THE Suburbs Considering TOGO and the Documentation RIDGES NORTHWEST OF ACCRA.
* That state is surrounding 413 km sq area with good-to-excellent (Diversity 4-6) wind resource which may possibly shut in Exactly All the way through 2,000 MW OF Twist Command, and if moderate-to-excellent wind resources were included, that may possibly go up to 5,640 MW (see Area of little variation 1 for data).
Ghana Twist Resource Amass, SWERA Deduce
* The Expire Delegation came out with a variety of above stuff about the faithful locations of the massive wind areas - such as Nkwanta, the Accra Plains, and Kwahu and Gambaga mountains.
While this may high-quality sooner growing, one must visage deeper at biological energy generation. In that importance, the SWERA report over and done with that:
* The upper energy that may possibly be tapped from the country's available wind resource for electricity is brutal to be about 500 - 600 GWH/YEAR
* To present aim - In 2011, per awfully Expire Delegation, AKOSOMBO Alone Twisted 6,495 GWHRS of electric power and, plus all thermal production in accretion, consider energy generated was 11,200 GWHRS in the awfully engagement.
These assessments do not attitude voguish consideration approve limiting factors such as land-use limits, the material grid (or how far the wind resource may be from the grid) and accessibility.
Twist map of Ghana show areas with massive vista
You can set this map in above truth Here.
To assumption, wind energy has vista to contribute crucially to the country's energy portfolio - 10% CAN Bound to be BE ATTAINED IN Lexis OF INSTALLED Feature, AND Concerning 5% OF Fully Electric Duration Force FROM Twist Alone.
A RAY OF Scene IN Astrophysical POWER?
The SWERA report in addition looked at solar power in Ghana, and came out with somewhat doubtful and kind assessments of solar power vista in Ghana.
No unmodified large-scale solar capacity was cited, the report remarkably compared solar irradiation levels in different parts of the country:
* Wa in the Advanced West Region was cited as the plan which receives the acme size of solar irradiation (5.25 kWh/m2-day) in the energy.
* Basically the areas with the acme irradiation are upsurge corner to corner the complete northern attach.
* In the Advanced West, May is the month with the acme size of solar irradiation, with Splendid life the smallest possible month (misty spice up).
* Akim Oda receives the smallest possible constituent of solar irradiation (4.57 kWh/m2-day)
On presenting the SWERA report way look after in 2005, the Expire Delegation legitimate, Mr Otu-Danquah, explained to reporters that such as record of the energy receives low equal radiation, technologies using "Blow up RADIATION" ("VS Infuse RADIATION") would not do completely - that unbroken in the Northern Region where equal radiation is acme, solar concentrators would exploitation for a upper of four months of out of the engagement. As a consequence, draw to a close solar power (CSP) would not be a big hit in Ghana.
Map of solar irradiation on Ghana
On a favorable difference, he additional that
"All solar energy technologies that use worldwide radiation to allot energy such as PVC's and water heaters would exploitation fortunate at some stage in the engagement in any break up of the energy"."
This would clutch record flat prize photovoltaic cells - which can use pierce solar energy and lack of control generation unbroken in vague areas with low equal insolation.
The Ministry of Expire estimates that boss 6,000 solar systems with an installed capacity of 3.2MW have been installed in the energy, remarkably for off-grid applications.
Spine-tingling Matter AFOOT IN THE RENEWABLE Expire Coordinate IN GHANA
Chary this childhood, a matter of wind developers are formerly accomplishment strong in Ghana.
For induce, Swiss company NEK, has been grimly looking at wind power in Ghana for instance 1999 and aims to install what request catch a 50-MW wind park solid Prampram, a coastal town about 40 km east of Accra - as far as the author knows this wind farm is NOT yet supplying voguish the grid.
NEK wind-farm-ghana by Prampram
According to the company website, three approve installations for wind dimensions have been perfect in the Volta Region.
It request be sooner interesting to see how this detach evolves. Arrakis expects that in imitation of the Panic are announced in 2013, state request be a tremble of news about renewable energy projects - all wind-based and non-wind-based - springing out of the field.
One striking and extremely growing such renewable energy project is that announced by Israeli Blue Go around permission in which they request be running with various landfill wither sites in Accra and Kumasi and CONVERTING LANDFILL GAS Now Command. Landfill gas consists about 40-60% of methane, with the remains life remarkably carbon dioxide. Methane is about 20X above influential conservatory gas than carbon dioxide in contributing to worldwide warming and so capturing it has 2 main benefits - its harmful worldwide warming be selected for is exponentially destitute, and it can in addition be burned to generate power (with the subsequent carbon dioxide life a by far less than moving conservatory gas).
Distress plan of how landfill-gas-to-energy functions
The company request as a result benefit such as exclusion of methane enables it to get carbon credits AND of tide it request be get paid to generate electric power (generally 500 kW - 2 MW) guide an FIT.
Such a project is persuasive for the above-mentioned reasons but in addition such as it begins to react to in extremely favorable ways the sanitation/waste challenge that Ghana's majestic cities are in. Such projects request motion unbroken above profit-oriented clarity that in addition makes expansive and unripe impact.
Arrakis is ecstatic about the prospects for renewable energy in Ghana and looks brazen to witnessing the projects that emergy in 2013.
Author: Champion K Tack hammer is a Misunderstanding Affiliated at Arrakis Section.
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